Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A New Batch & A Pumpkin Patch

**This was written quite some time ago & sadly forgotten about. Decided it was meant to share so better late than never!

The madness of the holidays has already begun and I have once again failed on my blogging for y'all as well as myself. I have absolutely no clue where the first quarter of school went. All I know is that this year has been completely different for me as far as teaching goes.

My classroom at the beginning of this year.

I've got a brand new batch of kindergartens who I completely adore! Seriously I was blessed with the class I got. I believe it's karma making up for what was handed to me last year. Don't get me wrong, I ended up loving last years class, but the journey was not the best. Lets just keep it at that. :)

I think part of the major change this year has part to do with starting out at the beginning of the year with all my kids instead of getting thrown into a classroom in October with munchkins from 7 different classrooms. That was pure torture, let me tell you. I was able to have all my kids on the same page when starting all the basics this year, which made my life a whole lot simpler.

Although the very beginning of the year was still just what I expected, mad chaos. There was constant yelling, screaming, crying, getting out of their chairs every 5 seconds, shouting "Miss Mays" every other second, peeing/pooping pants, bloody everythings, more crying, etc. You know, the usual kindergarten stuff just to the max. I mean a maximum level of... What the h-e-double hockey sticks made me want to deal with this every day of my life? If you recorded my voice at any point during those first few weeks it would sound something like this... "sit down, raise your hand, stay in your seat, hands to yourself, wash your hands, get a tissue, get in line, don't play with your food." On repeat. All. Day. Long.

By the end of September, after all the constant repetition of rules and procedures, my new babies really got into the swing of what myself and the school expects of our kinders. They have started to truly  blossom into a wonderful class, academically as well. The results of all the hard work are so noticeable in kindergarten. Makes my heart grow.

In October, our K Team went on our first field trip to a pumpkin patch! (At that time last year, I was lucky if all my kids would stay in a line from our room to the cafeteria.) This trip was perfect for not only for my kids, but for myself as well. Obviously around this time Facebook is filled with pictures of anyone and everyone going to get their pumpkins and carving them with their families or lovers of course. This is obviously one of my homesick triggers. Ding ding ding... (You have no family or a significant other Danielle. What are you doing with your life?) Thank goodness for my job. Without my constant hugs and unforgettable things that come out of those children's mouths I might just not make it here.

Myself & my crazy kindergarteners

Let me tell you how much they LOVED when I made them stop playing to pose for the camera. HA! :)

Not sure what my princess is doing in the front there, but cute nonetheless.

Everyone got to pick a pumpkin and take it home. I think I told them 80 times to make sure they pick one they can carry. Of course, that didn't stop my two runts from picking pumpkins double their head size. They somehow mangaed to get back on the hayride without me seeing and waited until after to plead for me to carry them. Little rascals!!! I was left carrying both to the bus and let them carry the mini pumpkin I had chosen.

Mrs. Parker's class & mine on our way to get our pumpkins.
This one literally just plopped himself right in the middle of this hay ride. Hilarious!

All in all it was a fabulous trip and my kids had a blast. Many of my kids don't have the opportunity to do fun things like go to a pumpkin patch. All those life experiences that most of us take for granted, they just don't get. Being able to share that with them just makes it even sweeter. To this day, they still talk about it and even write about it (almost too much) during Writer's Workshop. So to you and all your Facebook pics, I win. Only kidding... or not. :)

**No pumpkins were injured on the bus ride home.

I'll be Home for Christmas

My little piece of heaven.

My adorable apartment finally starting looking like Christmas only about a week before it was time to head home to the burgh. I'm fine with that only because it will most likely stay decorated until my mom's next visit. My Christmas tree has been up since the beginning of November thanks to her. (She knew I would never have the time or energy to do it myself.) I'm really making myself sound lazy here... I swear I'm not. I did all the other decorations myself, most of which you can't even see in this picture, but trust me on this. As for the gifts, they are real. Santa made a special delivery before it was time to fly home to Pennsylvania.

Counting down the days until Christmas vacation was something I started the second I got back from my trip home for Thanksgiving. I was also dreading the day as well, thanks to my dog. After last year's horrifying flight with Missy, the thought of flying with her again made me queasy. I'm happy to say this year was completely different. She was a certified angel! Slept for the most part and was calm the whole time. Even when we had to be taken aside and checked to make sure I wasn't smuggling any drugs up her tush. Thought about it, but passed on it this year. JOKING!

Missy hating her life.

As usual, Pittsburgh welcomed us with a constant cover of clouds and rain. Shocker! Yes, some wise words from one of my favorites, Stephanie Meyer. I bet you didn't know that Pittsburgh has more overcast days than anywhere else in the US. Don't quote me on that. I think I heard it from someone who heard it from someone who read it somewhere. It's also nothing to brag about. It's quite depressing actually.

To add to the depressing weather was our loss of power. Not just once, but TWICE! Sunday and Monday. I'm usually the one in the house who flips out when this happens. This time, it was lovely Diane (my mom) spreading her "Christmas cheer" to the power company. I was forced to paint my nails in candle light, well more like lamp light. Does anyone else find themselves still flicking on the lights when entering a new room, when you clearly know you have no power? I swear even when I told myself to "stop, there's no power moron",  my hand would still reach toward the switch.

Yep, that's my stylish zebra comforter and Steeler pjs I'm rocking. Gotta love coming home to all your high school things.
Speaking of childhood beds, this clip from Saturday's SNL is something you've got to see. Don't judge me, just enjoy! ha! :)

The whole episode is worth watching. Really Santa, all I want for Christmas is Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake underneath my tree.

Okay back to my journey home... when I got home, I slept for days. Literally, I think 2 days were just filled with eating and sleeping. Isn't that what being home is about though? When I finally awoke from my short hibernation, it was time to make cookies with my favorite people of all time. My mom, aunt, and cousins - scratch that, just Emily considering Kelly & Mandy didn't feel the need to show up. Still love you, I guess. :) As they all know, I'm no Betty Crocker so they left me with simple tasks that didn't involve getting too dirty. I grew up the youngest cousin and I love being "babied" by them. I think it's just habit now and I surely don't fight it. In fact, I welcome it with open arms. It's a big change of pace from the person I have to be on a daily basis. 

Preparing whatever these are called. Can you say skills?

The rest of the cookies turned out good, but not as amazing as they usually do when our very own Martha Stewart is in charge. (Yes, you Kel) My mom and aunt have clearly lost their touch when it comes to baking so from now on, they can just stick to the cooking.

Well that's all for now folks. It's Christmas Eve, my FAVORITE day, and it's time to put the electronics down and spend some time with the most important people in my life. Sending y'all love on this magical time of the year. And for all my deprived southern friends we woke up to snow this morning. :) Not much, but there's nothing like snow at Christmas time.

To be continued...

P.S. Sorry for my "Thankful" draft being posted for God only knows how long. I love writing and often start posts that are simply forgot about... left to die in the land of misfit posts. Not sure what made me finally realize it was posted, but it only gave me some motivation to actually write some more & publish it.